Sunday, July 02, 2023

getting stuff done

By 8 am this morning, I had shopped the Anthropologie sale, made detailed plans for three upcoming things I'm hosting this month, ordered the party supplies, daydreamed about my trip to India, re-shelved some books in the rumpus room, looked up what I need to get the kids their India visas, rearranged the furniture in the rumpus room, taken Max out to pee twice, texted Big A, solved the Wordle... and looked at my writing a couple of times. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN WRITING ALL THAT TIME! I made time for that work later in the day, but I keep thinking of those two hours I squandered.

Didn't manage to make it to UU today, but I did get the groceries, clean the floors, and work in the garden. It's At's Boss Day today so we went to the movie theater to watch Across the Spiderverse. At basically had Spiderman-themed birthdays from age 4 to 9, so this is very on brand. At wore pizza themed socks in honor of Peter Parker's pizza delivery job 🤗. The movie itself was a lot and kinda busy... After our food was delivered and eaten, I took a nice snooze and missed a ton of it. I'm sure At and Nu will watch it repeatedly when it's out on streaming, so I'll get caught up at some point; please don't worry about me. 

Pic: Someone has all their stuff in a row! The Red Cedar River on a very gray and rainy day.


StephLove said...

I am getting stuff done before 8 the past couple days, too, because my body refuses to adapt to West Coast time and I'm up a few hours before everyone else. Not your whirlwind of activity, but I've been reading and writing and walking before breakfast. (Trying to eat on a normal schedule to nudge the adjustment along.)

NGS said...

There's something delightful about having crossed off a bunch of dumb life chores/cleaning/organizing items off the to-do list before lunch, though, right? You were PRODUCTIVE and it needed to get done!

Nicole said...

Wow, what a productive day! I am impressed!
My kids loved the Spiderverse movie. I think they said it was one of the best they have EVER seen, so that's something. I have not seen it so cannot comment further!

maya said...

StephLove--I want to do what you're doing (reading and writing) instead of procrastinating by doing a ton of other stuff :).

NGS--how kind and validating! Yeah, I guess I was productive after all. I mean, I didn't *need* to rearrange the room, but it has brought me a smile of satisfaction every time I've walked into it since.

Nicole--My kids loved it too :).

Sarah said...

Listen. shopping the Anthro sale is IMPORTANT and you have to do it in a timely manner before only the weird stuff is left.

Gillian said...

You did a lot.

maya said...

Hahaha @ Sarah. That is so, so, true. Many of my sizes were already gone (thankfully!!!!). I don't know where I'm going to wear that one-shoulder top I got, but life will find a way.

butte and beauty

We started the day with a sunrise hike in Papago Park and then I delivered Big A to his conference and took off for The Heard Museum of Amer...