Thursday, May 18, 2023

Jhalak: a glimpse*

Sunny Singh generously spent  the morning with us, taking questions about her work from students who'd  written about her work using superlatives in their reading journals.

And in the evening, we attended the fabulous Jhalak Prize celebration at the London Library as Sunny's guests. This was definitely a highlight of the trip--most of the authors on the shortlists (children's and adult) were on hand to give a short reading and mingle. There is so much great writing in the world... I need to rearrange my life so I can read it all.

Pic: Travis Alamanza, Ann Sei Lin, Danielle Jawando, Christine Pillainayagam, Lucy Farfort, Angela Hui, Anita Pati, and Charles Patterson. Sheena Patel and Ayanna Banwo are up to hijinks with their books in the front row.

* Jhalak translates as "glimpse," so I'm being as tautological as chai tea.


Sarah said...

WHAT A COOL TRIP-- you have done such a wonderful job planning this trip and choosing such thoughtful opportunities for your students.

Nicole said...

I hear this: "There is so much great writing in the world... I need to rearrange my life so I can read it all." I always think I'm cutting down on my TBR list, which is about 250 books right now, but every time I read one three more take its place! So many books, so little time.

StephLove said...

What a fun event.

Gillian said...


maya said...

Thank you, Sarah! I did agonize over every tiny detail of these two weeks :).

Nicole, right? That's why I have no shame about DNF-ing.

Thanks, StephLove and Gillian!

Gillian said...

Nice photo.

"is it sad or is it good?"

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