Wednesday, April 12, 2023

tiny, beautiful things

The hospice vet visited this morning--everyone I asked recommended her, and she lives up to all the wonderful things people said about her. We now have a sort of plan: we are to call her when the bad days begin to outnumber the good days. 

Today was a bad day, FTR. On good days, I feel Scout could go on for months; on bad days I wait for the next good day. I was such a mess today; in meetings, I could definitely feel myself bringing people down with my horrible energy.

Also, it's not helping that I've been watching Tiny, Beautiful Things, which is devastating. It's based on the Cheryl Strayed book and I cry through half the show at least. When I peeked at the book, it looks really different in structure, so I'm going to have to get it and read it. And cry some more.

Pic: Scout and Huck love this little dell with its carpet of tiny bluets in April and I'm glad I got this picture of them together so carefully sniffing everything.


Nicole said...

I know exactly what you mean about good days and bad days. Some days it felt like Barkley might not wake up in the morning. And then some days he had so much pep in his step, relatively speaking. It's such a one-day-at-a-time process. xoxoxo

NGS said...

When our dog was at the height of her medical distress, I read the book Woodrow on the Bench, which was a woman's memoir of the last days with her dog. I found it so comforting when I wasn't sure if our dog was going to make it (she did and she's doing fine now, but it was touch and go). It was so nice to read about someone else who loved her dog so much and wanted the end to be kindness for her dog, but also wanted to spend as much time with her dog as possible. It's so hard and difficult a time, but I hope Scout continues to have good days.

StephLove said...

It's good to have a plan.

maya said...

Thank you for telling me about Barkley and Hannah--Nicole and NGS. I love hearing the love in your stories. (And looking for that book now, NGS.)

StephLove, that's so true. It's basic, so I hope we can stick to it.

Gillian said...

Good Luck.

when newness comes

so many mornings winds are sighing curving in prayer commas to care so many mornings your words flood  washing out daily the origins of joy ...