Sunday, April 23, 2023

the boy with a blaze

Stuff's getting real. When Nu headed up to bed tonight, they said wonderingly that this would be the last time they would be saying goodnight to Scout. So yes, a lot of "lasts" today. Also a lot of locking myself in a room with Big A and just sobbing, sobbing, sobbing.

But also such a good day when we got to do all the things Scout loves, and he had a bit of an appetite so lots of treats and pancakes and pizza. We went for a slow walk in the backyard and he even did a little jog back to me. And--I thought I'd never see it again as he hadn't done this since his E.R. visit--he did his "wolf puppy" bit where he wriggles on his back growling softly and then I ask "is that my wolf puppy with a fuzzy belly?" and rub his fuzzy belly. (I didn't actually rub his belly, because that's where his internal bleed is, I rubbed the little blaze on his chest instead.)

And I thank the universe for friends who have been checking in on us and sending love. And sometimes accommodating weird requests from me. Like, I'm not sure if an afterlife exists, but I was nevertheless in a panic this afternoon because Scout wouldn't know anyone there until I remembered one of my favorites--Big Murphy our old neighbor who'd taken puppy Scout under his wing to teach him all the doggie stuff. So I messaged NGF (my bestie and also the person in my will in charge of making medical decisions on my behalf in case Big A is unable) and asked if she could ask her Murphy to look out for Scout and she immediately said she'd let Murph know to look out for Scout and hangout with him. And now I feel there's a plan beyond the vet and beyond the goodbyes.

I guess it's tomorrow now. I've gone over the plan over and over in my head, but I'm not ready. 

Pic: Scout at two weeks old. It would be another six weeks before we could bring him home, but we'd all fallen in love and I was already calling him my "blaze-y boy" although Aunt R said he looked like a "potato."


Nicole MacPherson said...

I know Scout never met Barkley, but I'm sure they would be friends, and that is true of the place over the rainbow bridge as well.
Holding you in my heart today. xo

maya said...

Thank you, Nicole 💗💗. Except for his coloring, Barkley looked a lot like Murphy. Also, that friend's name is Nicole too.

StephLove said...

He looks like a stuffed animal in that picture.

I will be thinking of you today.

NGS said...

I will just imagine that after tomorrow he will be able to do all the running he wants and wriggling on his back.

maya said...

Thank you, StephLove.
NGS, Yes ♥️

Some instances of writing I was happy to see today:

*     All the progress I'm making with indexing the book--a task I've never undertaken before. *     The kind, nondramatic way the h...