Friday, April 14, 2023


I got an hour of sleep last night. There are inscrutable little comments and emails from me with time stamps ranging from 1:30 am (when I headed up to bed) to 4:30 am (when I fell asleep) all over the place. 

Then I had a dream where Nicole and StephLove visited me--I lived in a flooding basement apartment, the leak from the street-level windows springing up like tears. Happy times. But I remember smiling because Nicole asked, with gentle curiosity if "the seal would hold"--and I remember thinking how like her to address an issue without alarming everyone.

EM and I did a 40-minute version of our "Hope as a Cognitive Process" workshop for the WGS Consortium out of the U of Wisconsin this morning. It feels like we have enough to turn our spiel into an article. For the first time, editors have been sending us queries for an (as yet) unwritten article. That feels kinda fast track; kinda high pressure. 

My breathless delivery of all this news = my high because Scout is having a good day after the okayest day yesterday. 

Pic: It's spring everywhere and seemingly all at once--on my walk with Big A this morning, both the forsythia and the willow were in rival shades of yellow along the Red Cedar.


Nicole said...

I love that we were in your dream! But! I wish you had gotten more than an hour of sleep. I hope you can rest today, a bit?

StephLove said...

Yes, a nap sounds like a good idea.

I'm glad spring is making its way to Michigan. I think there's about a 50% chance we'll come to Michigan for real this summer, not just in dreams.

maya said...

Nicole and StephLove--I slept so much between dinner and actual bedtime and feel thoroughly refreshed now.

Yesterday, after I got dressed and made up for the conference, I kept thinking my eyes didn't look "nice"--must have been the lack of sleep LOLOL.

StephLove--don't know if I was just thinking it, or if I actually said it before--would love to meet you and the fam when you're in MI. I'll be in touch via email.

NGS said...

Oh, man, I hate those nights when your brain won't shut off. I hope you have a wonderful night's sleep SOON.


Still feels unreal that At is now a 25-year-old, but we made it official with birthday biriyani, presents, and cake today. I think about all...