Thursday, April 13, 2023


It's no secret that Big A is a more indulgent puppy kid parent than a human kid parent... and it's no surprise that Scout's condition hit him hard. I've had to be the emotionally supportive partner more than I can ever remember being. 

I was kind of depending on Big A because... what do I know--Scout is my first ever pet and all I've ever done is read books. Big A is an emergency physician, he had a lot of pets growing up--he'd know what to do, right? No. Families make end of life decisions not healthcare providers, and all his pets "got given away or run over" and hearing that made me want to cry all over again.

Anyway, last day of classes today and then a wine-and-cheese thing at our college President's house. When Prez A politely asked me how I was, I started telling him about my dying puppy (face palm). He then valiantly saved the conversation by telling me that he and Big A follow each other on Zwift, so we were able to turn back to safer topics before I had a meltdown.

Pic: Big A with Scout and Huck post backyard walk; a glimpse of me in the mirror.


Nicole said...

Maya, I have been there re: having a conversation and then veering it towards dying puppy. Because when that's happening, everything else seems peripheral. I had one dog when I was a kid, but my husband grew up on a big vineyard and they always had lots of dogs. I don't know if any of that makes it easier or harder, but I hope you and Big A are okay.

maya said...

Thank you, Nicole... That really does help. 💗

StephLove said...

Growing up, I had four cats. Two lived long lives (20+), one died young of cancer (at 5) and one got out and got lost during a move, so I guess I'd had practice losing them in different ways.

Beth and I have had three cats together. We say Emily was the cat of our youth and Matthew and Xander were the cats of our middle age. So the next ones will be the cats of our old age, I guess.

maya said...
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maya said...

Love the continuity of cats in your lives, StephLove. Wondering if you had Emily when you were in college...

NGS said...

I am definitely the lax pet parent when it comes to the dog, but my husband will do literally anything the cat asks of him. I have never seen a cat have a human so thoroughly wrapped around her paw. I think their relationship is charming.

I am the queen of awkwardly turning conversations to depressing topics. Hey, how are you? I'm fine. Did you hear about all the crap going down in the Tennessee state House? So, you know. People are people and some of us aren't great at social niceties. It's understood.

maya said...

NGS--I chuckled in self recognition at this. Nice to know I'm not alone!

Gillian said...

It is a tough time.

weirdness, madness, and freaking the eff out

Weird: I thought I'd gotten poison ivy on myself from digging up myrtle to transplant. I could feel  the blisters forming because I saw ...