Monday, April 17, 2023


Kind of a slow day over here. Big A did the 36-mile Barry Roubaix this weekend and it seems to have rendered him both sore and silent. At some point on our very long walk, I asked him what he was thinking about:

Big A: Cycling. 

Me: What about it? 

Big A: How to do it faster...

Me: Faster? How?

Big A: I have to pedal faster. 

Scintillating. It was a good day for Scout and us, but we're heavy with dread.

In other news, I panicked because I have to get headshots taken tomorrow. I asked a couple of my networking groups for tips because I can be camera-averse + awkward + preoccupied by Scout. People were so kind and someone posted this YouTube link that really helped

Pic: A turtle sunning itself on a rock. Red Cedar River, walk with Big A.


Nicole said...

You can do it! You are SO beautiful and I hope the camera captures that.
Lololol that's the best way to cycle faster, by pedaling faster.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Sarah said...

I hope your pictures are gorgeous. Mine is SO GOOD because it is 12 years old **whomp whomp**

StephLove said...

I bet the picture will turn out well.

I love seeing turtles in the wild. At the kids' preschool they all had animal symbols and my kids were the Painted Turtle (Noah) and the Great Blue Heron (North), so now those animals are special to me.

NGS said...

Good luck with your headshot. You're lovely and I'm sure the camera will pick that right up!

maya said...

Thank you for your kind words about the headshots, friends! I went into the session armed with all the confidence you gave me.

Nicole--I'm still LOLing at that. His brain must be tired.

Sarah--I think you're very comfortable with the camera and it loves you.

StephLove--Love the animal symbols. I'll look for Blue Herons to photograph for North next. I don't think I've seen a painted turtle yet?

NGS--YOu are kind, thank you.

Gillian said...

Good Luck.

the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...