Saturday, April 08, 2023

saying yes

Yes, it was a good day for Scout today. He loves a good Easter egg hunt, so I'm extra glad he's with us tomorrow. 

The vet gave us Yunan Baiyao--a Chinese herb cocktail that seems to be helping with the internal bleeding; it won't cure the tumors, but I say yes to whatever extra days Scout can spend with us. 

I checked with the hospice vet that I'm not saying yes at the expense of Scout's well being. They gave us a quality of life and pain scale interpreter, and apart from the very bad days (3/31, 4/1, and 4/6), the other days have been alright... 

I can still see Scout being himself. This morning he saw me after his short ramble in the backyard and started to run towards me the way he always does. I was afraid he would restart his internal bleed and started saying "slowly, Scout, slowly"--but he heard his name and thought I was calling him and ran harder. I watched for his belly to distend all morning, but so far so good.

Pic: EM took this photo of Scout and me this afternoon when she visited. I'll treasure this one. As I'm the official picture taker in the family, there aren't enough pictures of me and Scout together. When people ask if they can take my picture these days, I say yes (even if my face is tear-streaked, my hair is a mess, and my bra strap is showing).


StephLove said...

I once heard someone say after her mother died that she was sad not to have many pictures of her because she didn't like to have it taken. I think about that when I don't like how I look in a picture and it helps me see myself through my kids' eyes. Actually some of my favorite photos of myself are ones that Noah took.

And it's a sweet, loving photo. I hope everyone enjoys the egg hunt.

maya said...

I think I had a similar realization not too long ago, StephLove--I try to say yes as frequently as I can these days. I know Noah specializes in film, is he into photography as well?

Nicole said...

That is such a beautiful photo.
I was on the beach taking photos of the guys and a lady came up to me and asked if she could take a photo of me, so I could have one of myself, for the exact reason Steph said! I don't think there is any real shortage of photos of me, but I sure did appreciate getting the family shots!

Gillian said...

Nice photo.

NGS said...

I always say yes to photos because of this reason. I'm frequently the one behind the camera, but someday I hope to look back on photos of myself and realize how lucky I was to have the time I did.

maya said...

Thanks, Gillian.
NGS--completely agree. I like to remember my days--why not with photos?!
Nicole--I'm glad there are extra pictures of you in the world :)

StephLove said...

He does like to take pictures and he's an excellent photographer.

maya said...

Steph, I had a feeling!!

cheers to 25 years

It's At's birthday and she turns 25! TWENTY FIVE! I can't believe my baby is that old (nearly 30, my mom said rounding up in her...