Tuesday, April 11, 2023

living in hope

My colleague-friend, who helped me get to Scout and lost her own puppy unexpectedly that same week, thinks Scout died too. It makes sense because Scout's death seemed so imminent ("a matter of hours to days") and also I kind of avoided her question about Scout when we were texting in the aftermath of her loss. It seemed such an unfair allocation of fate.

Anyway, the hospice vet is coming to check on Scout tomorrow. There is no good news (if the internal bleeding doesn't take him out, they say the tumors causing it surely will). But friends tell me their own loves have lived up to a year with similar diagnoses, and so I live in hope. 


Nicole said...


Gillian said...

Good luck.

NGS said...

I think you're doing the right thing by not bringing up Scout at all. Your friend doesn't need to anything different.

StephLove said...

Fingers crossed.

maya said...

Thank you, NGS. It feels a bit murky, so I'm glad you understand where I stand.

Nicole, Gillian, StephLove: Thank you! Hugs!


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