Thursday, March 23, 2023

a feminist fair

We held our eighth WGS Symposium today, and students did SUCH a great job. I was a bit miffed on their behalf that we didn't get a bigger crowd. They worked so hard and were so creative in their projects--they deserve ALL the acclaim.

I have been bragging      
these people    
years now. 

I took tons of photos as usual. My favorite this year has to be the poster about men's mental health surrounded by the smiling faces of the many guys who came out to support their friend. 

I feel so hopeful around my students. 😍 

Pic: The Gender-affirming table with pronoun pins, and a blank U.S. map to test attendees' knowledge of trans-exclusionary states.


StephLove said...

I'm glad the event was a success. Sorry you didn't get the turnout you hoped for, though.

Gillian said...

Open minded

maya said...

Thanks, StephLove and Gillian.

Sarah said...

This is so fun! I need to do a better job of seeing what our WGS have to offer.

maya said...

Sarah--We wear a lot fo hats because we're so small. Do people at your flagship dip in and out of departments?

the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...