Saturday, February 18, 2023

new trails

After work meetings yesterday, KPB and I walked the Meijer Trail until we couldn't anymore. Lots of fresh snow to stomp through, a brilliant blue sky, and although this was our first hike together--our strides and conversation were perfectly matched up. 

My usual hiking companion L is recovering from an injury and will be leaving for a month starting tomorrow, and my bestie KB (who made the intro to KPB) is too far away now, so I am extra grateful for this connection. 

Pic: The Meijer Trail in Alma; I cannot bring myself to hike the MSU trails just yet.


Nicole said...

It's so pretty!

StephLove said...

Looks like your path is blocked. May it be temporary.

NGS said...

There are so many great walking and hiking trails in Michigan. I'm glad you're able to take advantage of them.


maya said...

Nicole--it was! Finally fresh snow and a blue sky together.
StephLove 💗 Thank you!!!
NGS--Yes, neighbor; that is true. Walking is my one physical activity and I'm glad to do it in beauty.

Sarah said...


cheers to 25 years

It's At's birthday and she turns 25! TWENTY FIVE! I can't believe my baby is that old (nearly 30, my mom said rounding up in her...