Wednesday, February 01, 2023

"a good-good day"

We've had such a grey start to the year, so when I saw the sun come up this morning, it already felt like the start of a good day...

Then... I acted on my impulse (and the lovely Nicole's encouragement) and auditioned for Sistrum, the Lansing Women's Chorus today. I'm in! (I think they take everyone who wants to sing 🙂.) 

And then... Big A signed the contract with a Michigan-based hospital! It'll take him until the next academic year (July) to transition out of Medical College of Wisconsin, but he'll be back at home full-time after that! Huge pay-cut and all, I'm so ready for this!

Pic: Sunrise through our only eastern window. 


StephLove said...

Wonderful news about Big A's new job and I hope you enjoy the chorus. My mom sings in one and she really likes it.

Nicole said...

OH YAYYYY! How fun to be part of a chorus! I am so excited for you.
And and AND having Big A at home! That's such great news, I am thrilled!

maya said...

Thank you, Friends!!💗

Sarah said...

So fun to be part of a performance-- I want to do more of this when my kids are bigger.

Ope--not what it seems

I woke up before my alarm went off this morning, glanced through the cloudy bedroom windows, and saw Max standing still in the middle of the...