Sunday, January 01, 2023

this day doesn't have to mean anything about the year to come...

I'm reminding myself that nothing about today magically repeats 364 times. 

On the surface, lots of sweet things about today: a long hike with Big A, another hike by myself, a long chat with my baby sis, a small hangout with LB and TB, a long bubbly soak with Big A, a sweet treat delivered by L, dinner with the fam, a travel board game after dinner, and puppy + human cuddles throughout. 

But... I had also wanted to fit in some yoga, which didn't happen and I never even made it to the month-long online "Binders" writing workshop that started today. It was as though the unrelenting greyness of the cloudy day we had here seeped into everything I enjoy.

Also, I'm still in my reread of Anna Karenina and (a) I want to be done and reading something else especially since... (b) the love affair has dwindled into depressing territory and... (c) I still glaze over when Levin goes on about cooperative farming (sorry about that to the socialists in my life). 

Finally, I got a rejection on something I'd submitted via Submittable. I was sad for a while, then I just went ahead and submitted to two other places. I do hope I can keep that kind of obstinate energy going all year long. 

Pic: Playing "Around the World." Quite challenging! Nu won this evening's game. I better go commit some flags to memory before we play again. 


StephLove said...

I hope it doesn't have to mean anything about the year because we are having a grouchy few days here (mostly B) and as a result have skipped many of our new year's day traditions.

StephLove said...

But it actually sounds like you had a pretty good day, two hikes, socializing, soaking...

maya said...

StephLove, I'm sorry to hear that. It has been such a tough year for you too, and the big kid changes are hard. Perhaps you'll find a way to make them happen this week or next.🙏♥️

I didn't quite feel like myself yesterday. I felt like I was merely going through the motions...

Nicole said...

I'm sorry your piece was rejected! But yay for you for submitting more. That is strength, my friend.

I didn't like Anna Karenina because of the whole cooperative farming thing; I found that so boring that it overshadowed the good parts of the book, if that makes sense. So I can never think about that book without thinking about YAWN.

I'm glad you got some sweet things in the day! I don't think of New Year's Day as a harbinger of things to come, but I do find I feel a lot of energy on that day.

StephLove said...

About AK, though I found parts of it very moving and insightful, I remember the last 50 pages or so are a slog.

maya said...

Nicole, I'm a bit superstitious, so I needed Jan 1 to be good. :). I chortled at your YAWN. Same! How regressive that I like the drawing room intrigue more than I like cooperative farming though! My kids would be ashamed of me :D.

Steph, I agree! I think Tolstoy is very insightful in showing the slow ennui and implosion of the love affair. I am just not enjoying it as much as the section with all the grand passion...

the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...