Thursday, January 12, 2023

address uh-oh woes

It felt so good to stand with Nu in December--talking and snacking as we set up an assembly line for getting the holiday cards in the mail: putting on address labels and stamps and inserting the chatty newsletter and sealing the envelopes... 

Only, at least two of the cards we sent out have been returned to us because the little label indicating the delivery address seems to have fallen off. Yet another friend posted a picture of our card sans their address--at least their address label fell off after it was delivered to them.

I don't know whom these sad returned cards were addressed too, so I'm feeling self-conscious, wondering if people think I'm that rude dummy who didn't send them a card this year. 

I guess the lesson is check the work of teens who're not into the task that means so much to you.


Nicole said...

Oh darn! I would probably stew over this for the rest of my life! "I sent a card, I swear!"

maya said...

Nicole... thanks, I guess 😂

StephLove said...

I send out a lot more cards than I get, probably because most people don't send cards, so when I don't get one, even from someone who used to send them, I just assume they didn't send out cards this year.

maya said...

Thanks, StephLove--that's comforting! I don't think I have anyone who would get mad at something like this on my list, but this is good to know.

Some instances of writing I was happy to see today:

*     All the progress I'm making with indexing the book--a task I've never undertaken before. *     The kind, nondramatic way the h...