Friday, December 30, 2022

then there were three; bookclubs for two; one day to 2023

A puppy playdate for Scout and Huck with Henry was the most exciting part of today. They were doing some electrical work at JL's so she hung out here and we got caught up. (Unlooked for excitement was when little Henry thought it would be ok to pee in my tea garden. He immediately stopped midstream when JL shouted "no." I was kinda impressed with his level of control, TBH 🤣.) 

I've been gifting some friends a bookclub-for-two: I'll get both of us copies of the same book so we can read and discuss together. It feels like an experience or together time gift, and the "thing" part of it is still books, so it's not wasteful (they can be passed on or pulped or whatever). Anyway--I did that with Emma Kline for JG and Shilpa Gowda with JL. We plan to start this one in Jan.

The rest of the day was all course prep, writing work, a couple of quick meetings, getting more letters of recommendation in. Then sushi with Big A and Nu.

Almost can't believe it is the weekend, month's end, end of the year already... 


StephLove said...

Book club for two sounds fun.

Nicole said...

That book club for two sounds so lovely. Speaking of which! I am reading The Tale of the Dreamer's Son, which you had mentioned, and it's so compelling. Thanks for the recommendation. Maybe we can book club it! I'm about 3/4 of the way through and the writing is so original. I knew very little about Malaysia so it's been eye opening as well.

Awwwww puppy playdate!

maya said...

Nicole--Malaysia is such a new world for me too and I'd love to bookclub The Tale of the Dreamer's Son with you! Let me know when you're done?

in the leaving and the love

I wrote this as a talisman  to protect my kids a sort of post-it  for peace                             for times parents become            ...