More NWSA: An embodied dance-exploration inspired by Hafiz, a raucous in-room party with trays of Hmong food, a surprise visit from my bestie KB, and a day full of panels where I just learned SO much...
But the standout of the day, for me, was the panel on the Iranian Women's Protest/Revolution. The panel organizer had assembled a stage and a screen full of Iranian activists and scholars who provided historical context, cultural parsing, and commonsense advice (keep up the solidarity, don't speak over or for Iranian women).
There was a Zoom bomber who tried to disrupt the proceedings, and there were some harrowing moments before he (yes, it was a he) was booted out. It reiterated how these rallies for equality are prone to disruption through mockery and malice... and in so many places with violence. Which is probably why the Iranian slogan resonates: Zan! Zendagi! Azadi! (Women! Life! Freedom!)
Pic: Panel on the Iranian Women's Protest/Revolution.
Those protesters are so inspiring, and brave!
Sorry about the Zoom bomber. We had a couple of those in my book club of all places. Why?
Sorry about the zoom bomber! That happened very early in the pandemic to a friend of mine who was teaching a yoga class. A guy showed his dick on the screen and started swearing. IN A YOGA CLASS, WHAT.
Somehow... perhaps because I started using Zoom later than you all... I'd never encountered a Zoom bomber before. I can see it could have been way worse!
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