Tuesday, November 15, 2022

"(i carry it in my heart)"

I used to carry you 
on my shoulders
or on my hip

these days I send
a funny tweet
a loving text

should you emoji 

I'll know that you're 
fine or okay
and alive

Pic: I wasn't the only one surprised by snow today.


Nicole said...


StephLove said...

You are going to make me cry. A bit on the nose these days.

p.s. I love that ee cummings poem you're alluding to.

maya said...

StephLove--Sorry. I know they're off doing good things and finding themselves, but it's difficult not to worry. Especially when they're as far away as N is currently.

StephLove said...

I had to read that a few times before I figured out which N you meant-- since you have one and I have two- and they are all far away in different ways. I think you meant the one in Australia, but I meant the one who's home now and not really fine or okay but alive.

maya said...

Oh, Steph. I thought it was the far away child you were worried about (I wonder if At's ok if I haven't heard from him all day...). But it's extra heartbreaking that it's the child who's under your roof you're worried about. I have a good feeling that things will get better. They have so much going for them and a super supportive and loving family.

(And I'm sorry that my comment was confusing--I'm looking at the time stamp, and apparently I wrote this just as Nicole was beginning to wake up...)

MSU solidarity encampment

More than 60 campuses across the U.S. have now set up encampments to call attention to the ever-rising death toll of the Palestinian people ...