Sunday, October 16, 2022

weekend vibes


That's a folding camp chair. 

In the river. 

With a pumpkin sitting in it.

Happy Fall, Y'all. I guess.

(Homecoming weekend at MSU. And we went to our first halloween party of the year. Not sure if I'm ready for break to be over... but it is.)



Nicole said...

Ha! That's cute.

StephLove said...

No fall break here. I don't even know if there's a mid-semester break at Noah's school in Australia. It's spring there, so it would be spring break. I should ask him.

maya said...

Glad that tickled you, Nicole!
Steph--That's what Nu said too--his school doesn't have a formal midterm break although they have Thanksgiving and a four-day weekend coming up.

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