Thursday, October 27, 2022

"saw your picture today"

How I love this picture.  It must be from 14 years ago... At reading to Nu...

I have this picture taped to a bookshelf over my desk at work, so I see it all the time... 

But it still fells me with its sweetness and silliness (they're reading Goodnight Moon in a scary voice) every time I catch sight of it. 

It's sitting in my text messages today because I texted it to At when I was trying to wheedle him into hanging out with Nu next week when I have to work late... I think it worked!


Nicole MacPherson said...

This is so sweet!
What is their age difference, Maya? I thought they were fairly close but looking at this photo it seems like they aren't.
I love looking at old photos like this, they are just the cutest, so heartwarming.

maya said...
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maya said...

Thanks, Nicole. I miss those years! They're 7-8 years apart depending on the time of the year--currently 23 and 15.

StephLove said...

Really cute.

"is it sad or is it good?"

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