Friday, August 19, 2022

also new...

Sometime last weekend when I was taking stock of the summer (and its disappointments) I woke up one morning convinced that what would make things better would be (a) a Costco membership (b) a piercing. 

I managed to talk myself out of the Costco--I think we'd be in danger of wasting food if we bought in Costco quantities. But the feeling about the piercing didn't go away...

And so I made an appointment. When the time came, I wanted to wimp out, but Nu said I was already old and not getting any younger and if I wanted to do something I should do it now.  It was the best advice. 

(Nu also came to the appointment with me, helped me choose jewelry, and held my hand when I wanted...)

And now I have bilateral eyebrow piercings.

I like them.


Nicole MacPherson said...

Very pretty, Maya!

StephLove said...

That's a funny juxtaposition in the first paragraph.

I'm glad you're pleased with the new jewelry.

My niece tells my mom she's old all the time and then adds, "You're almost eighty!"

maya said...

Thank you, kind friends. I have some piercer's remorse today. And am worried about my mom's reaction. Haha.

Chiconky said...

I love them!!! I really wanted to do a nose piercing when my daughter did, but then I thought it might steal her thunder. I think you look gorgeous with them!

maya said...

Thanks, Chiconky! Good call on timing, but I hope you go for the piercing sometime... I look forward to seeing a pictorial update!

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