Sunday, August 14, 2022

Easy like Sunday...

A sweet, fulfilling, and unhurried day from UU in the morning to yoga in the evening. Weekend chores completed, some prep for the weekday started. 

Some things didn't happen--Pride got rained out on Saturday, grocery shopping didn't happen today... we did get Insomnia Cookies delivered both days though 🙃.

My sense of content is overlaid by the knowledge that there's a train ticket back to Milwaukee on Big A's phone for tomorrow.

And that Nu and I start school next week. I should remember to do weekends like this when we're back. 

Pic: (secular) stained glass at UU Lansing. 


Nicole MacPherson said...

Sounds like a lovely day!

StephLove said...

It's nice to have a day like that, even if some things don't get done.

maya said...

StephLove: Indeed! Being okay with that was the key to counting it a good day.

"is it sad or is it good?"

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