Thursday, June 02, 2022

updates on my worn down family

Nu is home from the hospital! We'll need a lot of outpatient care, which the hospital is putting into place... but Nu's home! It was a relief to do something ordinary like sit close to him and try to follow Pan's Labyrinth without subtitles--which since we've watched it 15+ times feels kind of possible.

At seems physically ok, but his car is not just towed--it's totaled. He arrived for his Boss Day dinner via bus and Uber and a bit shellshocked. We went for a long walk and I managed to make him laugh just a couple of times before I had to drop him back at his apartment.

Big A is back from a successful emergency trip to Madison, WI--his licensing for the new gig that starts in July had been held up for six months, but they were able to fix it in a couple minutes when he showed up in person at the licensing office. 

After too many nights by ourselves, the puppies and I were excited/content to have everyone back. Here's a photograph from this happy-sad, peculiar day. I can see Nu's hospital pallor and At's traumatized cast... And I can't unsee what Big A called his "big Saturn head" on one side and the rest of us orbiting it "like satellites" on the other. 


Nicole said...

Oh, thank you so much for the update. So happy Nu is home and healing. May the healing be quick and total. I'm glad At is okay too, that sounds terribly traumatic for him. All's well in the Maya household, it sounds like, or at least it's heading that way. Big hugs. xo

Gillian said...

Best wishes to everyone.

Chiconky said...

Sending you all so much love <3 I love the smiles on everyone’s faces

maya said...

Thank you, kind people! It has certainly been a weird couple of weeks on top of the regularly scheduled weirdness.

StephLove said...

I'm glad Nu's home and At's okay, if shaken up. I have been wanting to watch Stranger Things but the kids are never free at the same time.

"is it sad or is it good?"

I made time to watch The Goat Life  on Netflix. It's on a dominant South Asian theme (immigrant laborers forced into slavery in Saudi Ar...