Saturday, June 04, 2022

blessedly ordinary

On StephLove's post about having a tree fall through their roof (I hope your roof is getting the attention it needs, StephLove!) I said something about roof tarps being great--we've lived with ours for over three years now. It has kept the elements out--I can't see it in the winter (covered by snow) or in the summer (covered by trees). Why it has taken over three years and our roof hasn't yet been fixed is its own boring and expensive saga.  
I love our quirky (no central air) house, which was built based on this lead article from an issue of Popular Science magazine (there's a typo-laden explanation here) but it always seems to need attention. Here, the guy who came to prep for the roofers found carpenter ants chewing their way through the outside. It's always something...

Other than that, inside the house, I had a blessedly ordinary day. I watered all the plants, cleaned from top to bottom, soaked, read for hours, had cauliflower pizza (which I would not repeat or recommend), and started the new season of Stranger Things with my cuddly Nu, Scout, and Huck. I'm so relieved... happy... to be doing ordinary stuff again.


Nicole Boyhouse said...

A solar house! How cool! I'm amazed that you have no central air. Does that also mean no central heat? I know you're in Michigan so I guess the winters are pretty cold. I'm very interested to hear more!
I love an ordinary day, especially after the kind of week that you have had. I tried cauliflower pizza a few times was okay. But just okay.

maya said...

Nicole--Thankfully we have central heat, but our heating bills are quite low because the "envelope" heats up during the day.

I guess they didn't think central air was necessary here 30-40 years ago... Sadly, with climate change it gets quite uncomfortable in the summers.

StephLove said...

That's interesting about your house.

We don't have central air either, just a couple window units.

"is it sad or is it good?"

I made time to watch The Goat Life  on Netflix. It's on a dominant South Asian theme (immigrant laborers forced into slavery in Saudi Ar...