Wednesday, May 11, 2022

tiny parade

Somehow as if by magic, I've reached the end of my to-do list for the WEEK (letters of recommendation, internship placements, proposal invitations, assorted email catchups, course planning preps).

I took myself off for a long walk to celebrate and, as if just for me, the city shared a tiny parade. The last person you can see in the picture is the last person in the whole parade. 

I don't know what this parade was for, but I remember reading that it's super easy to throw a parade in NOLA (complete with police escort and marching band)


Gillian said...

What fun.

StephLove said...

My father's birthday was shortly before July 4th and when he was a little boy he always used to pretend the parades were for him.

maya said...

All kids should have birthday parades! Love this story, StephLove.

"is it sad or is it good?"

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