Friday, May 20, 2022


Book club today. Because we're in the midst of a Covid spike, everyone took a test before they came. 

We'd read Pachinko (2017 and ancient, I know), but someone had liked it a lot. We were fairly divided on it, but some interesting discussion as always. 

One of the things I love about about book club is how even reading the book on my own becomes communal, because I found myself wondering how certain members would react to this or that. 

I hosted this month, and I'd been excited to research a Korean menu--I went with (three kinds of) mandu, (three flavors of) jumeokbap, and an assortment of mochi. I made the jumeokbap rice balls from scratch, found the mochi readymade, and the mandu dumplings semi-prepped at the asian grocery store. It all came together pretty easily--I even had tons of time to putter around in the garden, take a long soak, and read before people showed up.

Scout and Huck loved all the extra attention, Nu took off with his cell phone to practice "self-care" in his room, reemerging for dinner, a show, cuddles, and clean up after everyone had left.

Pic: The people of book club. I'm in this picture (albeit happily blending into the shadows like a ninja). 


Gillian said...

I didn't see you in the photograph at first.

Nicole Boyhouse said...

I haven't read that book but it looks interesting. How fun to have a book club like that, complete with themed food!

StephLove said...

That does look fun. My book club meets in the community center, no food except a couple times a year (pre-covid, now we never eat because we're still masking). It's less festive, but I think if I had to host and cook I might not have joined.

maya said...

Gillian :)
Nicole: The book club is called "Food for Thought" so food and wine are a must. You should have a book club, Nicole, you read so much and have such a huge following!

maya said...

StephLove--I was in four bookclubs at one point because that's how I find my people... and this is the only one which survived the pandemic. It was Zoom and outdoors only for a while.

(I'd say it's three-four people doing most of the hosting, everyone brings a dish to pass and/or wine though.)


Still feels unreal that At is now a 25-year-old, but we made it official with birthday biriyani, presents, and cake today. I think about all...