Monday, February 21, 2022


Paul Farmer, a personal and global hero, passed away today. It seems a bit precipitate at just 62... Many of my early conversations with people who are now lifelong friends and colleagues started with discussions of his work and vision. I wish we would honor his life by doing away with the IPRs preventing us from vaccinating the whole world against Covid immediately. 

In happier home news: Nu had invited a friend over for a sleepover this evening. Yet this isn't about them.  Nu and their friend claimed the rumpus room and puppies, so Big A and I decamped to the guest room--which has a huge TV unlike our bedroom--with our pizza and pop to hang out.

And then we kept calling it our "own sleepover."

Although, you know, we're married and all. We took turns checking on the comfort and safety of the original sleepover kids, watched two whole movies, did some puzzles, and then finally went to sleep (in our regular bedroom) around 2 am. We really miss each other when he's off at work. 


StephLove said...

That sounds fun, except the staying up until 2 a.m. part. I'm much happier going to bed early.

Nicole said...

How very sad about Paul Farmer. 62 seems so young now. Maybe it's because my husband is turning 57 this year, and that's not far off.

Your sleepover sounds really nice! I mean, I would have been in a coma hours before that, but it sounds fun and cozy.

maya said...
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maya said...

Steph--I wish we had healthier sleep schedules too!

At this point, both of us have very disordered sleep schedules. My spouse works nights, and doesn't really transition to a daytime schedule easily. So between my anxiety when he's away, and texting while he's at work, and not seeming to need much sleep these days (four hours seems to work for me)--we're living on the edge.

maya said...

Nicole--I was shocked at how young PF was as well. I didn't think people died in their sleep at 62, somehow.

Haha, yes. Between you and Steph I can see this is a problem and I have very bad sleep hygiene!


 there is uncertainty: what to  say   even in the dignity of the world   preserved  in light,  the  lick  of                                ...