Wednesday, February 23, 2022

map of crap

Texas Gov. Greg Abbot is telling teachers, doctors, caregivers, and child protective services that they are officially mandated to report the parents/families of trans students who are receiving gender-affirming help as child abusers. No, really

I'm sitting here with heartbreak and a bit of survivor guilt (we considered jobs in Texas earlier this winter), knowing I must do everything I can to fight this because as every study has repeatedly shown, compassion and gender-affirming care is suicide prevention for kids at a vulnerable time in their lives. 

And I will fight this with every activist intersection I have as educator, child advocate, parent, and parent of a non-binary/trans teen.

It's unbelievable how hostile and inhospitable so much of the USA is to trans kids. You'd think that in the THIRD year of a global PANDEMIC, people would focus on medical initiatives that are life-affirming and life-saving instead of needless cruelty.


Gillian said...

I am so sorry that this is happening and cannot believe that it's still happening in 2022.

StephLove said...

It is disheartening. I feel like it's going to get worse before it gets better but that it will eventually get better.

Nicole said...

I cannot BELIEVE this is something that is happening in this day and age!

maya said...

Thank you for your compassion and your outrage, Gillian and Nicole. StephLove, I'm going to hang on to the hope that things will get better <3

what we are built for

in the days when the kids were smaller and my parents younger and they lived here  six months of the year                                   ...