Monday, February 28, 2022

blast from the past

My birthday is coming up this week and we have a nice family dinner planned. 

But I've been yearning for one of those all-out bashes that used to happen--usually planned and hosted by someone else. That hasn't happened in years. Some of is the pandemic, sure--but some of it is just that we're in a different stage of our lives. 

Facebook kindly reminded me with this post from twelve years ago when my friends L and J postponed a vacation they were planning to take because it fell in my birthday week. The mayhem of comments that ensued with everyone jumping in with recommendations, some weird references to Tom Hanks's birthday, my London friends threatening to gatecrash, and Sunny Singh (the author Sunny Singh) giving me sage advice on partying all month long made me chuckle. 

I've been talking to L more since this reminder popped up and reconnecting with others too. And much as I resent Facebook for its manipulative ways, I'd completely forgotten about this interlude until it reminded me. What a sweet memory from a more innocent past. 


StephLove said...

Happy birthday! I hope you have a nice celebration.

Nicole said...

Ooooh happiest of birthdays! I hope it's great! There are bad things about FB for sure, but I love the birthday feature, and the facebook memories.

maya said...

Thank you, StephLove and Nicole!
(Nicole yes--FB memories gets me every time!)

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Happy almost birthday!

ordinary magic

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