Tuesday, January 25, 2022


A breakthrough in family therapy for Nu and Big A--a moment just beautiful in its vulnerability. I am so proud of these two stubborn people who don't give up. 

And a welcome breakthrough on an essay I'm working on just as I was falling asleep last night. I was too tired to even scratch out a note for myself, but it lingered when I sat down to work the next morning. Like all the best solutions, it was there all along! 

In other news, I'd sent out a flawed proposal and instead of being rejected, one of the evaluators messaged me backchannel to revise and resubmit--which I did. It reminded me of this story on bias I heard on the radio detailing how well networked people benefit from excuses and clemencies unavailable to others. I never thought, I guess, that I would be on the receiving end of such benefaction. 

And of course, putting it all into perspective--the James Webb telescope has settled into its permanent orbit and I wonder what else we'll learn about ourselves. 


Elisabeth said...

I'm so glad you remembered your idea the next morning. I'm often prone to forget, but try to always have pen and paper on my bedside table.

It is incredible how important networking is; I think also highlights how important it is to be approachable and kind. So much in life really is about who you know (and how you treat those you know)...not just what you know.

Justine L said...

I just wanted to say that I'm so grateful you came by, because you brought me here, and I'm going to hold on to the telescope today.

Very glad that your evaluator saw the promise in your proposal!

Justine L said...

I just wanted to say that I'm so glad you came by, because your comment brought me here, and I'm going to hold on to the telescope today. Thank you for this. <3

And so glad that your evaluator saw the promise in your proposal!

maya said...

Agree hard on networking, Elisabeth. I think it does becomes problematic when our networks are limited (for whatever reason and by whatever categories) though.

Also--I always try to have a scratchpad on my nightstand, but don't always succeed. The beginning of Ayad Akhtar's Homeland Elegies was especially fascinating to me, because there was a lot of how to recapture dreams on waking.

maya said...

Justine! Hoping for a welcome breakthrough for you <3

puppy condo rules

Although I don't spend much time in there, our puppy "condo" is one of my favorite spaces. Max and Huckie dislike being in the...