Saturday, December 21, 2019

"Early" Morning Run

Big A and I took off at 9:30, so not early, at all... but the kids were all still asleep when we came back at 10:30... so at least morning run?

And somewhere in there when I needed to catch my breath, we found these mallards just chilling on a patch of river ice. Heh... chilling.

I had hoped to hear a decision from the Title IX office this week, but we got nothing. I'm worried this is going to drag on into next year.


Melissa said...

During the spring and summer I love running in the mornings. I think it's the light and early and quiet. In the winter, it's just too damn dark. Today though, I'm excited that I will have the opportunity to actually run outside without getting frostbite in the first five minutes. HA!

maya said...

We're in the 40s this week. In Michigan!

Bangalore Beauties said...

Nice post.
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