Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Here and Now

It's past 2:00 a.m. and I'm about to try get some sleep for a string of errands and a coffee date with a binder sister (Z) in the morning.

It's just that I'm trying hard to eke out a few more minutes here because I just know that my dreams are going to be an apocalypse-themed torment. What with threats of "fire and fury as the world has never seen" and having read a bunch of climate change poetry for a new class prep.

If you're wondering about the best place to take cover in case of a nuclear fallout, I've got you covered.


1 comment:

LG G7 release date said...

LG G7: Here's everything you want to know about the LG G7.

a night different from others: four answers to questions unasked

1) The MSU Gaza solidarity encampment moved indoors a couple of times yesterday because of storms but was back outside today. Morale is high...