Sunday, March 23, 2014

Disease Detectives

In the end, At didn't win at the Rube Goldberg machine he'd worked on for weeks and weeks and weeks…

Turns out he's a good "Disease Detective." Perhaps we'll make a doctor out of him yet?

(In the background I can hear the theme song from Nu's show *!!!Detectives!!!* jazz hands and all.)



QoH (AAL) said...

Congrats to At! That's awesome!

(Is it weird to say I'm a bit envious? I don't want to wish away any of Pea's childhood--well, maybe that 2.5-3.5 year old part, because it sucked thoroughly--but I'm really looking forward to her doing projects and research.)

maya said...

You would make such an awesome team! Pea is such an independent learner and already so far ahead of the curve.

It's a struggle to let each day go right now--these days feel so blessed with the kids still kinda little and asleep under the same roof at night...

a night different from others: four answers to questions unasked

1) The MSU Gaza solidarity encampment moved indoors a couple of times yesterday because of storms but was back outside today. Morale is high...