Friday, May 27, 2011

Eating People is Wrong

I have absolutely nothing against Gwyneth Paltrow--Shakespeare in Love may have even been my favorite movie for a while (because really, how many movies are made for Eng. Litt. people?!).

But this month, when my subscription (thanks, friend L!) showed up, I knew I couldn't leave it out on the kitchen table the way I usually do with Bon Appetit's gorgeous food porn. This month, Gwyneth Paltrow is on the cover.

Not saying Gwyneth isn't gorgeous, just saying I don't want to eat her face. I'm sure she too would encourage that sentiment.



Attorney at Large said...

A friend sent a scathing remark to the editor about it (and CC-ed me). I understand there are more People Magazine-like covers in the future. I suspect my friend - and you - aren't the only ones unhappy about it!

maya said...

AAL, Good for your friend--clearly she/he isn't a whiner like me :).

And the People Magazine part of your comment hit a nerve. That might be the most bothersome issue--that I have little interest in celebrities and definitely (and snobbishly) do not want to be perceived as some one who is.

Today I found...

1) Inside, I've been finding it really hot, so we had to bring up the electric fans from the basement early this year.  2) In my email, ...