Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New Parent Fantasy (sadly, so not prontastic)

We’re getting, at the most, three hours of sleep a night. And on the nights that we do get those two+ hours, we’re so *grateful* for it. (The baby totally has us on some lovely variation of Stockholm Syndrome.) Recently, one night (I honestly can’t recall which one—it’s all a can’t-even-pee-in-peace blur) Big A and I were up together and caught The Amazing Race on the telly.

And decided that we’d be awesome at it.

And that we should go.

And--since Big A already had his i-book open—we should apply online at CBS.com


And then we realized that they begin filming in March and that the baby would still be only six months old and that--really--we can’t go.

So we’ve decided to go in two years. We'd be so in form. We’d leave the kids at my parents'. And we’d make it all the way to the end and win. After all, if we lost it would mean that we’d have no choice but to return at once and reclaim the kids :).


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in the leaving and the love

I wrote this as a talisman  to protect my kids a sort of post-it  for peace                             for times parents become            ...