Saturday, April 07, 2007

A Good Wife

Someone else’s grandmother
once told me that a good wife

Is as full of loving comfort as a mother
As full of tender adoration as a daughter
As easy to playful irreverence as a sister
And as reliable and loyal as a best friend

And palli arai-yillai--in the bedroom, she said:
she is as winsome and perceptive as a courtesan.



Anonymous said...

i'm glad you're back :)

and i like that last line, heehahahaha!

maya said...

Thanks, GFI!

It's my favorite line too :)

Chee Chee Chai said...

definitely like the last line. glad you're back:)

maya said...

Thanks, BC :)

sbr said...

ooh, that's nice. i like that.

going on 17

Nu turns 17 tomorrow and they have plans with friends, so we had our family celebration today with pizza, cake, and presents. Nu rarely want...