Thursday, January 18, 2007

Happy Husband Day

I dreamt last night that my sweet, sweet mother-in-law threw me a party and baked me a cake and the glittery chocolate frosting on the cake said, “Happy Husband Day.”

So when I crawled back into bed at 9 (a.m.! Don’t judge!) to wake Big A, I told him about it, and declared today Happy Husband Day. He was super sleepy, but nevertheless mildly pleased, and he then started making lame-o, low-key requests such as-- “I want five more minutes of sleep,” “I wish my phone was charged” etc., until I had to spell it out for him.

Ummm, Hello? It’s Happy Husband Day. Kinda like Happy Birth-Day. So i'm pretty certain it’s actually MY day, ok? Then I gave him the list: Cake, party, presents...

He was asleep before I got to the messenger bag I really, seriously, desperately need. (Know this: An outsize Canal Street knock-off Balenciaga will give you shoulder pain. I lived and learned. Hopefully, you've learned without pain of your own.)



Anonymous said...

wondered where you went

maya said...


Happy Husband Day takes a lot of prep :).

Bengali Chick said...

How cute! Be careful, you might get haters now too!

maya said...

Bengali Chica,

Haters hate; bloggers blog--i think it's just part of the job description :). Of course, it's always more enjoyable to make love instead of hate.

And oh--props to you! Reading your blog always reminds me that it's okay to think of my blog as *my* personal space, to blog about what moves me. So thanks for that!

Anonymous said...

what a cute post. so it went well, i am assuming?

maya said...

Chai--nope. Pure wishful thinking! He went to work at 10 and returned at close to midnight :/

Although i'm famous in this household for declaring that it's my birthday at least twice a month, so don't feel too bad for me :).

Happy to hear from you...

Today I found...

1) Inside, I've been finding it really hot, so we had to bring up the electric fans from the basement early this year.  2) In my email, ...