Tuesday, November 21, 2006

You Can Call it Dark Matter

This Saturday, there will be an international conference in Oxford in memory of Li’l A’s birth-father. The kindhearted organizers are making digital copies of the entire proceedings as a keepsake for Li’l A, per my request.

Sir Roger Penrose and Harvey Brown are two of the plenary speakers--and really, it’s a happy event with seriously impressive paper titles such as, “A New Fermionic Quantum Field for Dark Matter.”

Still, when I read Harvey‘s e-mail with the mock-up of Saturday’s program--for no good reason that I can think of--i cried for hours after.


a night different from others: four answers to questions unasked

1) The MSU Gaza solidarity encampment moved indoors a couple of times yesterday because of storms but was back outside today. Morale is high...