Friday, October 06, 2006

Animal Noises

When Li'l A was a toothless, smiling wonder, Thatha, his grandfather, used to entertain him with animal noises. These are a few that i remember, Thatha's annotations are noted parenthetically:

"Naiiiiiiah-Naiiiiiiah" (that's a horse)

"Bow! bow-bow bow" (dog)

"Wroof, wroof woof" (another dog)

"Phrrrt phrruut" (elephant)

I protested for the sake of honor and integrity in the re-production of animal noise: "That's not an elephant!"

"It is," Thatha insisted. And he enlightened me thusly, "I didn't say it was an elephant trumpeting, that's the sound of an elephant farting."

Ok. Fair enough.


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