Friday, February 25, 2022

everything can change in a moment

Posts like this one about life in Ukraine put everything in perspective. I can't imagine... or maybe I can easily imagine having to leave a home you know to huddle in a subway station to escape the bombs raining down.

So in comparison, I guess we got off really lightly--Nu and I are fine, and I hope the deer who jumped out at us as we were on our way back from book club at RS's is fine too. There's no blood, and I hope that's a good sign. (Please don't tell me any different. I've never so much as run over a frog before, so this thing is nightmarish. My mind keeps replaying the second the deer landed in front of us and has me wishing I had been able to swerve harder.) As Nu said, if we'd left a few seconds earlier or later, things would be different. Both of us romanticize/anthropomorphize deer and get silly about them, so we've both been pretty down since it happened.

My poor Bluey, too, is so not fine. To make matters worse, Big A is away for work until Monday and only on the phone, so I'm just feeling extra alone in my guilt and misery.


Gillian said...

Whoa. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Glad everyone is okay. It could have been so much worse, really.

maya said...

Thanks, Gillian. Yes--I do feel grateful we got off lightly. I googled "I hit a deer and feel terrible" and found lots of people who feel like I do now. :/

Nicole MacPherson said...

Oh my goodness, I'm glad you're okay! No blood is a good sign. My brother's van got hit by a deer (it jumped into the SIDE of his van!) a few months ago, and of course his whole family was inside. No one was hurt but, like you, I do wonder about the deer. There's nothing you could have done in the moment though, it was just one of those things, so I hope you can let go of the guilt. I get it though, I would be the same. Big hugs to you. xoxoxo

Nicole MacPherson said...

Oh also! I once ran right over a chipmunk, when I was driving in the mountains. The road was too curvy, so I couldn't swerve, and there was traffic in the other lane, even if I could. I felt awful and I still feel awful. So, you are not alone. I had bad dreams for weeks after.

maya said...

Thank you for understanding, Nicole. As you're a yogi, I feel your sense of the interconnectedness of it all is heightened. I'm sorry that the chipmunk incident was so difficult, but thank you for sharing it--it gives me hope that my current feelings will abate with time.

Elisabeth said...

Oh I'm so sorry. This happened to my parents once when they were driving and I was in the back seat. The deer actually jumped up on to the hood of the car. It was so traumatic. The deer ran away...but I always wondered if it was okay.

And I'm so sorry Big A is away. I was in a car accident years ago (just before Christmas) and my husband was away in Northern Canada with very spotty internet. It was horrible. Ugh. I'm so thankful you're alright, but it is such a jarring and unsettling experience and it can take quite a while to feel comfortable driving again. That is so normal and please don't put pressure on yourself to feel okay. Even if you're okay it is still a BIG deal and very tough.

Chiconky said...

Oh no! I grew up in deer country and can say pretty confidently based on this picture that your deer buddy is fine. My guess is that you clipped them, they spun a little bit, and then bounded off a little sore but none the worse for wear. I don't even see any fur! You didn't even scratch it :)

AND... because I can't help it. There was probably a second deer right behind them. If you'd swerved you might've hit that one square on or you might've flipped. If there's a next time, your best bet is to slow down (if you can safely), flash your lights, but steer straight.

I'm glad you're safe and I'm sorry about Bluey

maya said...


Thank you. It feels like a big deal. And I need to email you about parenting solo one of these days.

maya said...

@Chiconky... THANK YOU!!! I am going to show this to Nu too, and we'll both sleep better because of your expert interpretation <3

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