Tuesday, November 12, 2019

By the time I got home

By the time I got home
I was worthy of love
I was dressed in hope

your words don't reach
are just not as sharp
I see myself here

I see myself here
not as you see me
not as you say I am

Monday, November 11, 2019

November surprise

Snow was predicted for today, but it seems to have caught everyone by surprise after all. It was so perfect and powdery and pristine out. Also surprising: Me being out in it.

And later today, from At's article in the school paper about carrying his passport card on him: "The real reason I hold on to the card is because of my immigrant mom, who is worried about her son being stopped by the police and detained by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (I.C.E.). She herself carries numerous documents in order to prove her legal residence and her parental relationship to my sibling and me." 💖 

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Tiny Dragons

With L and Nu at the MSU Global Festival, where Nu could have gotten their passport stamped at all the booths, but decided they were too grown up 🙄. We  had a good time, nevertheless. I found lots and lots of stocking stuffers--all the proceeds go to funding international studentships, so I didn't even feel any guilt.

The dragons are also a tiny way of celebrating the new D.A. of San Fran, the lovely and kind Chesa Boudin, whom I knew way back when in Oxford. I'd been paying attention to Chesa's campaign since he aired it on his personal FB page months and months ago. I tried to tell At, but he didn't pay attention until Bernie Sanders endorsed him. I hope it teaches At a nice lesson about paying attention to his mama 😛.

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Cave (2019)

Fake fire, fake furs, small happinesses...
Earlier in the day, Nu and I went to see Harriet with C. I know there have been some (small) controversies about casting and veracity, but we all liked it. Some parts were especially difficult to watch, and as always slavery seems unintelligible--how do you come up with something so fucked up?!

Nu was quite generous to me :). Usually, my almost teen is annoyed if I make involuntary startled sounds at the movies. But when I whispered my apologies at this one, they shot back: You're not the one who should be apologizing.

I wanted to caption each frame with the work of Angela Davis, Ijeoma Uluo, Brittany Cooper, and Robin DiAngelo. My words were much less sophisticated though. At one point, I was all "Cry me a river, jerk." My best work came when I led a round of applause at the end of the movie. Nu and I think we'd see it again with the boys (next week) and the puppies (on demand).


Friday, November 08, 2019


I try to drown in light
slight and brown
the river writes 
leaves drop graffiti
set out to swim tonight 

#MSU #RedCedarRiver

Thursday, November 07, 2019


I'm a proud mama/advisor 😍 
  • End the silence, stop the violence! 
  • My dress does not mean yes! 
  • Feminists unite, reclaim the night! 
  • However we dress, wherever we go, yes means yes and no means no! 
  • We have the right, to not be scared at night! 
  • Say it once, say it again, no excuses for violent men! 
#MacCurdy #Alma

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Say "subaltern"

Of course, I overdid things... and of course, I cooked until I ran out time... of course we'll be eating leftovers for days... but of course these are the greatest students.

I still want to try the pumpkin halva I made up in my head for the G/F kid and the two vegetarians.



I think that was a solid vacation--it didn't feel "fake" to me at all. I had a lovely time, meeting people Big A works with wa...