Sunday, August 25, 2019

Tiny tomato

School starts this week, and this tiny tomato in my planter box is the culmination of some of the best moments of the summer: The outside; children's laughter, water-fights, reading; sunshine; Huckie content in the sun; Scout instigating me to chase him...

Hello school year!


Saturday, August 24, 2019


We were on our way to Harry Potter Night at the Lugnuts game (A A-D-S's birthday celebration)...

Nu cried twice before we even left the garage. At was packing for college. Nu sprinted upstairs for more hugs and came back to the car feeling a bit better.

I had a headache all evening, was crying as we pulled into our street, and full-out bawling by the time we rounded the bend in the driveway and his car was gone... He was supposed to leave in the afternoon, but kept getting delayed, and I think I kinda hoped he'd still be there...

Big A is in YS for LH's funeral service, so Nu and I had a sleepover with the puppies in the rumpus room.


Friday, August 23, 2019


L suggested that I take Nu on a fairy tour later this weekend to cheer her up after At leaves for college.




Thursday, August 22, 2019

Getting Stuff Done

Puppies are groomed; Nu's broken glasses are replaced (super cheap and super quick at L.O.); Nu's Doc Martens are bought; the random and weirdly suggestive license plate (0690) has been exchanged; the syllabuses are coming along...

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Tough Mother

I kept thinking back to our weekend walk today.

I had SIX meetings at school, and wouldn't get back until really, really late. The first meeting was the Title IX interview and I was hoping it wouldn't drown me in all the fear and sadness talking about the bullying brings up.

I think I did ok at the other meetings. It helped that I started and ended the day with CF's support and had JG's hugs to look forward to in the afternoon.

I get by with a lot of help from my friends.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sighing for those skies

Summer is slipping by: my days, the skies, children's hugs... everything is set to change.

I have to remember I've made it through the school years and winters before...



I think that was a solid vacation--it didn't feel "fake" to me at all. I had a lovely time, meeting people Big A works with wa...