Sunday, August 11, 2019

Early Birds

Grandpa R was in town for a volleyball ref. convention and then took all of us out to sushi at 3 pm. Linner? Dunch?

It's how we do this, apparently.

#Sansu #NoLeftovers


Saturday, August 10, 2019

One More

L gave me these mega hydrangeas from her garden when I walked her home after dinner with us.

Another green spot to keep me going this week...


Friday, August 09, 2019

Summer gardens

Earlier this summer, Big A built these planters--one for each of us--to grow veggies. We're all not that outdoorsy, so I didn't know how it would take... but the kids love it.

I have never heard them watch or discuss the weather so much or show so much solicitude for things in their care. It has been so affirming all around.

Today I spent hours pulling weeds and trimming while At and Nu watered and giggled and did some solid work putting some ornamental fencing up so the puppies won't wander in.

My chore-averse kids claim it's more fun than work... And they say:
"From the genius who brought you "Boss Day" comes another fun family idea."
 Me. They're talking about me.

#GardenAsTherapy #EscapeThe News


It was too painful to be around my computer today. I have tons of stuff to do, but Facebook and Twitter are so tempting and enraging...

I spent hours sweeping (meditatively, without even music) until the whole driveway was clean. In contrast to every big project I've ever undertaken, I got more meticulous as I went on...

I did manage to connect with another mom and we're planning to do a teach-in on how to educate ourselves and resist ICE overreach.


Thursday, August 08, 2019

First Day of School Fears

I still have fears of being late and unprepped to my classes, being unable to manage pick up times for my babies, anxiety about wanting a great school year where all of us--teachers, students, kids, parents will grow, make friends, learn...

I'm not special in this. The incredible cruelty of ICE raids on the FIRST day of school in Mississippi--I cannot begin to fathom... According to several accounts,
With parents no longer able to pick their children up from school, students in towns like Jackson, where children had their first day of school, according to school board calendars, were left distraught as they learned that their moms and dads had been detained.
I am so sad, and so mad, and beginning to feel a sort of hopelessness. Where do we go from here?


Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Broad Smiles

Nu's friend since kindergarten, K, spent a couple of days here, and that gave us a chance to focus on fun for a while and do touristy things.

I love how Nu and K have always ended up with similar hair and clothes even when they don't  coordinate it and even way back from when they were dependent on parents to keep in touch.

And I loved how the kids loved hearing about Zaha Hadid.



Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Fresh start

Trying to start this week over, I booked an early morning run with my favorite marathoner. We
talked more than we ran... and it was what I needed.



Still feels unreal that At is now a 25-year-old, but we made it official with birthday biriyani, presents, and cake today. I think about all...