Monday, July 29, 2019

Greece Love

Picked up Madeline Miller's Song of Achilles at Sam and Eddie's last week and it's giving me pleasurable nostalgia about my trip to Greece earlier this year. Especially that first day in Athens climbing the Acropolis all windblown, stumbling upon the completely deserted woods to the north of the temple, feeling I had slipped back through millennia, and then a late and leisurely lunch at the museum within view of the Parthenon and still swooning.

I'm so glad for that trip--I'm reading now without that pang that previously accompanied any mention of Greece.

(And yes, the Miller really does remind me of those Mary Renaults I used to devour and mid-century Mary Stewart must bear responsibility for my Greece love too.)


Sunday, July 28, 2019

I Did This! (2)

The groomers couldn't get them in until late August (how is it almost August, anyway?!), so Nu and I headed to Target for some clippers and... Now the puppy babies look less like lion-bearcubs. 

My first time using clippers (if you forget that time 19 years ago when I tried to cut At's hair; please do forget that time!).


Saturday, July 27, 2019

On a Road Trip for Two

Big A and At are both working tonight, and Nu and I didn't see the point of rushing home. 

So we took a few detours: First the Dayton Art Institute (DAI) with its impressive collection of contemporary work with Grandma S and Grandpa J, and then a stop at the Neil Armstrong Museum (NAM), to appreciate that giant leap for humankind. 

Nu loved the DAI, of course and my phone is full of pictures of artwork she means to revisit; but I suspect she was a bit underwhelmed with the NAM. I am such a sucker for soaring music and emotional biographical details, but I'll admit it was a bit dated despite its inclusion of the "Hidden Figures" mathematicians in the timeline. At one point, I was going to dig out my Aldi quarter so we could feed the machine that would tell us our weight on earth, the moon, and Saturn--when Nu stopped me--"Mama, it's ok, I'm sure we can google it" quoth she, and truer words were never spoken.

But look what a good sport my love is!


Friday, July 26, 2019

Back to the Present

And here's Nu again, and all's right with my world.

And appositely given all my baby bird thoughts, their verse in the Eco-Camp song this year was "and in that nest, there was a bird..."



Thursday, July 25, 2019

I Did This! (1)

Somehow I had never mown a yard.... Big A set me up, and... voila! (I plan to finish the rest tomorrow, but I'm awfully proud of that demarcating line today.) Mowing with headphones in (I didn't even make it out of my Prince playlist!), gave me some time to process the difficult conversation with our Title IX coordinator too.
       Before we moved here, we loved that there was no "lawn," but we do need an occasional mow down in the summer to keep it safe for the puppies.

I did it! I am certifiably grownup!


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

"Oh, you're a cool guy, huh?"

At and I have been saying, "Oh, you're a cool guy, huh?" to each other since we heard it on the radio, so we were happy to go see Hannibal Buress with Big A.

(At took the picture, but didn't want to be in it... what cool guy wants to go to a comedy club with their parents, huh?)

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Here We Go Again

I took this picture just after I dropped Nu off at "The Owl Logs" and turned around for one quick picture yesterday.

I had a ton of stuff planned for this week: writing dates, hangs outs, planning a party in our old house with S, and on and on.... But I haven't been in this town by myself ever. And everywhere there are reminders of the babies when they were babies--schools, childcare, parks... and aaaaarrrgghh. I can't stand it.

A ton of super-emo texts to Big A last night and I'm headed back to Lansing today where I can baby the puppies and At and Big A (whose Boss Day it is!).

I-75, here we go again...



I think that was a solid vacation--it didn't feel "fake" to me at all. I had a lovely time, meeting people Big A works with wa...