Monday, October 08, 2018

Winter is Coming (for me)

Big A's ominous-sounding version of the GoT catchphrase 
appears to be imminent.

Three weeks ago:



Sunday, October 07, 2018

Pot Luck Sunday

In front of me the quiet of mist, moss, and the Red Cedar River.

Behind me a raucous community potluck at L.B.'s house.

(As a nominal co-host, I wish I had remembered to take a group picture.)


Friday, October 05, 2018

When you have two kids at college

It's Little Sibs Weekend, and Nu is off at college with At. I didn't get a picture, but as some of my students mentioned, she looked like a mini college girl: shorts, fuzzy boots, sweater. She declared that she'd borrow her brother's pants if her legs got cold... "they have pockets!!"

On my way home, I'm listening to 90s music on the radio because I cannot with Frat Kavanaugh anymore and I'm dreading MSU's homecoming game traffic, when J called and suggested we go watch A Star is Born to take our minds off stuff. So we did. Meanwhile, as Yellow Springs friends were FB posting, Dave Chappelle and Bradley Cooper were sweetly doing a pre-show talk at The Little Art .

Big A is working overnight again, so its just me and the puppies at home tonight--let's see if my horror movie consumption will come back to haunt me.


Thursday, October 04, 2018


Took At to his dermatologist's appointment (this kid was a mess of scales) and then he had dinner and spent the night at home yesterday.

I miss the summer; I miss five years ago; I miss babies. (Boss Day wish?)


Tuesday, October 02, 2018


It's after 3 am. Big A is coming off working the third shift, I don't know why the heck I didn't go to bed until after 3.

We're "chit-chatting" (as Nu would say) trying to stay away from Kavanaugh, from Trump, from the kids in cages, all the awfulness of this administration. And Big A is feeling guilty for talking to me, because I have classes to teach and people to meet today and should be sleeping... but he's been working so much and I've barely seen him, so here we are.

Big A: I miss you so much... This is my happiest thing. When I see you... sometimes when I round the corner and see you unexpectedly, that's the best. Even if it's just in my own house.

Me: In *our* own house.


mountain peak and a domestic peek

Another early morning hike. The peak was approx 2500 feet above sea level, with the last couple of turns like corkscrews. I caught sight of ...