Saturday, June 02, 2018


At's Boss Day: we went to see Solo at Studio C. At and Nu want to talk about how it was super dark that Chewie was eating prisoners. Ugh. I don't want to think about it.

Me: Wookie's are vegetarian, Chewie doesn't eat people.
Kids: He was eating Porgs in the last one; he's not vegetarian.
Me: They just made up that bit--it's not true.
Kids: [Giggling]
At: Depends on what you mean by "made up"--technically, he's a fictional character.

Guess they got me there.

Friday, June 01, 2018


translating clouds
into panting,
thirst-throated air

arguing until
finally linear
in clemency

until I spider
empty, blank
to the-end-ing

descending, and
taking little boats
to the i-land

making pronouns
for the future,
which is now.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018


the sentimental sediment--
rainbows in rain puddles,

your breast darkening--
cold lake, bright day

hoarding every murmur
as an insect's confession

I look for you in the desert
when heat dies deeply purple


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A Day

the smells of summer
the patterns of rain
the limits of day

under satisfaction
the shadowy dirt
of an open road


Also, what Nu got in her summer basket:
(At got something similar)

(Water bottle, headband, hat, notebook (all items $1); tanks, 
Black Panther, Aru Shah, sunscreen for school, a Lansing city passport.)


Monday, May 28, 2018


like a holiday
(the British holiday)
(ok, although perhaps
holy as the American too)
seeing it unfurl in your face
feeling it come to fire in your touch
hearing it in your safe, sea-like sibilance


Sunday, May 27, 2018

I Miss the Children

The shadow of a smile
the shadow of a shadow

of a shadow
of a smile

keeps showing up

in changing light
in change

teeth, no teeth,
tight thin

lipless, this

the lost children
their lost parents

the circus of grief
the grimy

half-eaten repetitions
nothing will ever

be safe
be sane
be saved
in shadows

   An ICE prison bus full of baby seats.



I think that was a solid vacation--it didn't feel "fake" to me at all. I had a lovely time, meeting people Big A works with wa...