Monday, February 05, 2018


Your mouth bleeds curses,
nurses wandering silences

Technology's flashing ghost
in the turn and tap of keys

skimming the round
in-line like dancers

circling like sharks
inland, inaccessible


Sunday, February 04, 2018

A Study of Men Throwing

the man throws coffee
it snakes tendrils over her
the man throws acid
it pools pits across her skin
the man throws kerosene
under his gaze, she is afire

the man throws her off (the bus)
the man throws her out (the house)
the man throws away (her phone)
the man throws down (her kids) 

the man throws a ball
the man throws a party
the man throws bombs
the man throws his ire 

the man throws
throws it all away
the man throws
the man throws
the man throws
until overthrown


Saturday, February 03, 2018

The Shape of Water

I kinda liked The Shape of Water, but At made me chortle because he had a point when he termed it "Ponyo for adults."

And a bit Alf, I might add.

Friday, February 02, 2018

Growing a Family

I’m very happy for some old neighbors/ex-colleagues/FB friends who adopted three children from the foster-care system today. We’ve known about the ongoing process, but they weren’t able to share pictures of the kids until the adoption was final (today!).

And I’m sad today, because it feels like I’ve waited all my life to adopt, and Big A is finally on board, but none of the agencies will follow up with us. I finally caved and did what I swore I wouldn’t do—called in for help from my CASA director. She’s called around and left messages; let’s see how far we go.

At least I get to take my oldest home for the weekend : )!


Thursday, February 01, 2018

Always, the Kindness of Strangers

Four classes back to back to back to back and all I wanted was to get home. First though, I needed to gas up the car. I did.

And then the car wouldn't start. The key fob just stopped working.

The temperature was in the teens (with bitter, biting winds), so I fiddled with the key fob, then scooted into the gas station looking for fob batteries (they didn’t have them) and then tried to get warm. I was piteously warming my frozen fingers on the side of the coffee maker when this woman with a gigantic, Kardashian sized ring asked me what was up. I thought she wanted me to move along. And I will forever be ashamed that I thrust my chin out mutinously, thinking mean thoughts about her, and told her I was trying to fix my key fob.

After that, she just took over. She found her reading glasses, pried the fob apart, and found some button cell batteries from old Christmas decorations, replaced the battery, checked it from the gas station window, gave me hug, and sent me on my way.

I got her name so I can take her a card and some pastries tomorrow, but it doesn’t feel like I can ever thank her enough.


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Schuyler Sisters

The craziest game du jour that NuNu and the other Hamilton-Nerds at school are playing. It involves the Schuyler sisters taking over the administration and sometimes results in all the characters drawn in skirts and tees. (Aaron Burr’s tee says: “Talk less; smile more.”)


butte and beauty

We started the day with a sunrise hike in Papago Park and then I delivered Big A to his conference and took off for The Heard Museum of Amer...