Saturday, November 26, 2016


FIL and step-MIL came to visit the day after Thanksgiving and rather than feed them T-day leftovers as I did last year, I made ramen (with really nice broth, loads of fresh veggies, and lots of add-in toppings: peanut sauce, kimchi, roast chicken, fried eggs).

At the end of the meal, step-MIL says, "thanks for dinner.. it was really simple and..." And she just trails off. Healthful? Flavorful? No. Nothing. I don't think she was trying to diss my food, it was more like she genuinely lost interest in completing that sentence.

This morning--being back in the kitchen reminded me--and I started to giggle about it and had to explain to the kids why. At says, "Yeah, I noticed that too." So we giggled some more.

And it's been our response of choice to everything..."It's really simple and..."


Thursday, November 24, 2016


Quiet, just us. But it turns out that there's so much to be thankful for. I read some of these entries and 

I weep from happiness and pride.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I solemnly swear




The kids and I turned up at the Mall for the rally, but they had already taken off... we did catch sight of them at College Corner though. They were magnificent.


Monday, November 14, 2016

A snippet from today

Nothing is the new normal.

But my kids are lovely.

We now live an hour away from work/school. And Mondays are especially long. At takes a course at the college, so we're here for 13 hours (8 am to 9 pm).

Today, I picked At up, we got our overdue flu shots, we got supermarket sushi, we got Nu from her Girls on the Run meeting, and had dinner in my office.

At was droning on about some election geekery. Nu and I looked at each other and simultaneously started humming Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" while At rolled his eyes. So we hummed louder and with flourish and Nu grabbed a chopstick and started air-conducting. It was a small, sunshiny spot of the usual crazy in an otherwise rushed and sad time.


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Giving me life...

These Joe Biden memes are the only bright spot right now.
At is compiling these on a subreddit:


Thursday, October 06, 2016

An Hour of This

On the way to work today.
Thankfully, kid school was canceled
so I didn't have to juggle drop off
with office hours.


Wednesday, October 05, 2016


As she dawdled over breakfast (as my kids do err'yday)
she told me that when I had knocked on her window 
to let her know "snooze" time was over
and that she needed to *wake up now*

the knocking had become a part of her dream.
(Someone was showing her a script 
that had the words: "No, No, No"
And as they read it, they thumped the desk.)

This photo is apropos of not much
but I keep it on my desktop
and it makes me smile.


Monday, October 03, 2016

Royal Blood

Story 1
After the parade with the other homecoming "court" families, I took the rained-on grandparents and younger sibs home to dry off, while Big A went to his night shift. So... At was all by himself when he was "coronated" as homecoming king. The video his teacher posted of the "coronation" makes me sad--At's standing all alone while all the other kids have at least one family member there. 

Story 2
I've been getting out of puppy poop-picking up and other gross family chores by jokingly claiming that I have royal blood via the padma vellama Dorakanti heritage. I don't believe in all that B.S., obviously, and I was merely being facetious. But I didn't realize how seriously the youngest human in the family was taking it until the day A asked Nu to do her "peasant" chores and she rounded on him savagely and lashed out: "Yeah, Dad! I get it from *you*." This happened at least a year ago, but we're still laughing every time we quote it.

And that's it. Two stories connected tenuously by the theme of royal blood/me being awful.


Saturday, September 10, 2016

A List

I hear you
empty hands,
open mouth,
at my back

I watch till all
the anger boils,
pops, peels, and
I have no choice

but to face you.
I fill my lungs
with screams,
devour the day.


Friday, September 09, 2016

New House

The trees tense like a tide

tunneling the sky's ocean

tree skin like coins peeling

from Lakshmi's lotus hand

Their roots keep buckling--

letters unpinning addresses

grow lichen hair, to honor

bodies/words not yet here


Thursday, September 08, 2016

The Ladies Finger

Don't know how I first came across it, but I love this blogzine--irreverent, honest, charming, and pathbreaking. It seems to be written and produced in India, but it's a great read for anyone with transnational feminist sensibilities.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

First-Day-of-School Picture

Today, I dropped them off at school,
And later today, their picture makes me
look for them--a limp forerunner of our future

On Facebook,
it's people swearing (like with &%$# words)
how unbelievably big they've gotten

It's people remembering the 17-year-old
as a two-year-old clutching my hand
by the elevators

I want to lie down in the middle of my office,
close my eyes, and try to remember for myself
the years that are now ghosts

I swear they're the same from day-to-day
nevermind the stranger interpretations
my camera conjectures from year to year


Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Does this nonsense end?

Prehistoric Massacre Hints at War Among Hunter-Gatherers

"The bones at the lake, in northern Kenya, tell a tale of ferocity. One man was hit twice in the head by arrows or small spears and in the knee by a club. A woman, pregnant with a 6- to 9-month-old fetus, was killed by a blow to the head, the fetal skeleton preserved in her abdomen. The position of her hands and feet suggest that she may have been tied up before she was killed."

It reminded me of the open of the second season of The Leftovers, a show I watched religiously, helplessly, piteously-sometimes asking the family to be extra kind to me because I'd be watching it that day.

Monday, April 04, 2016

Après le diner

It's not much, really.
But, I can tell

our week's dinner
from the small aches

the burns and scalds,
and nicks they wrought.

But it is the half-eaten plate
that brings heartache.


Sunday, April 03, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Friday, March 18, 2016

Baby's First Business Trip

It was difficult to have At 
at the BPA state finals in GR
and be all the way in Boston ourselves.

We teased him about the Tucker Carlson bow tie
He cited Bill Nye.
He wins.


Saturday, March 05, 2016

Wishes (Jacob Philadelphia)

I've stashed this picture in so many folders...
that on my birthday, the kids printed it 
off the internet again (Sorry, Pete Souza)
and stuck it a frame for me to hang.

I'm fine with a third term.

If you need more: Why I Created #ObamaAndKids

Friday, March 04, 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I'm so Cheesy

While talking to a student
whose thesis work is
a term late

I encourage her
to make it better,
to tweak her game-

-it's a home run!
you're in the home stretch!
(She's one of our softball players.)


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Après le diner

It's nothing, really.
But, I can tell

our week's dinner
from the small aches

the burns and scalds,
and nicks they wrought.

It is the half-eaten plate
that brings heartache


Monday, February 15, 2016

I may never say this again...

For the second time in as many months
I had a poetry reading

First at the MLA meeting in Jan
And today at the college

I'm a bit aghast at this unseemly
and narcissistic frequency


Monday, February 08, 2016


We talk about
diurnal longitudinal
repositories of
emotional artifacts

one of which is
curiously draining
out of my brain
and into my curriculum


Friday, February 05, 2016

The Odds...

What I wanted to say
the student disputing 
their course grade
that I did everything 
ethically possible to help.


A New Generation of Hope

Nu's very stern letter to Gov. Snyder.
I didn't think her line, "This is the last time I'm telling you,"
would be conducive to a dialogue.


Thursday, February 04, 2016

Elections 2016

This or that--
I'm running away or
slowing/throwing down

in uncanny dashes
to interpret patches
of plaster and verse

But words in my mouth--
a delicate wheel of anger
will--still--demand love


Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Monday, February 01, 2016

The Drop-off

Their bodies hurtling
in entangled orbits
of school, activities,

Till they return just in time
still the same
slightly changed
don't go
(don't die)
don't grow (so fast)

The passing touch
of their known hands
surges, deluges,
cracks open my heart.
I've never been easier to love.


This happened

I want to drop all the things I carry

I want to touch everything

Is there a world

under the snow

I want to know it

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Friday, January 29, 2016

At Close

Waves lap
at the edges of the evening
claim me
in programmed high tide

Come close to breaking
over the shore
a scream or a chuckle
the coil of sleep or serpents


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Perhaps, an Astronaut

How is your day going?
It's difficult to tell.
I imagine you up there
starlight as nightlight
watching sun and moon
rise together cheek by cheek

I imagine the brain
swelling in delight
even at old age
remembering easily
the children and their kisses
as they easily remember me.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

In Attention

Sky is a tangle of broadcast
snow messages
unspool on the windscreen
up there the moon
opens up
wisp by wisp.


Monday, January 18, 2016

Moms Are Sooooooooooooooooo Embarrassing

The kids had the day off due to the weather, so I brought them and the young von Ws to the college for an MLK Day performance by Sojourner Truth Community Theater.

I was happy to smirk at At when he turned a worried face towards me when they started singing "We Shall Overcome." And Nu whispered in F von W's ear (presumably about the day before).

And then I was wiping away tears to "I have a Dream."

Happy MLK Day to me.


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Moms are Embarrassing

There was that moment when everyone was singing "We Shall Overcome" and my stupid face dissolved into silent tears. My sweet kids on either side of me didn't look too embarrassed, and actually helped me make sure I didn't have streaks before we walked out.

It's just been such a long time, you know--and here we are, still working on overcoming the same crap.

(Later in the evening, At did say the next time I bugged him about something, he'd call me "Church-weeper" so there's that.)


Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday, January 04, 2016


The in-flight magazine 
reminded me of 
my own little comic

who likes the story of 
Carol Burnett tugging 
on her ear


Sunday, January 03, 2016


The nicest thing this last month
has been NuNu reading to *me*
She finds books her classroom discards

Then follows me around the house,
Reading, emoting, so intently.
I think I'll remember  

The Shoeshine Girl always
The Chalkbox Kid forever. 
(I want to.)


Friday, January 01, 2016


There're ways to do this
where dreams are choral
and my eyes are wings
florescent with words

And if If I gave you three dollars
and 75 cents, how far away
is the train at 50 m.p.h.
carrying all our songs of want?


Bottu Puppies!


Thursday, December 31, 2015

The End

They'll be home from YS soon
And then night comes
or falls--depends
on whom you ask

Time to wrap babies and burritos
while birds dip their wings
in sunsets
and vanish


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

In Transit

the body remembers what it used to do
escapes as blithe as a toddler

no experience, no accomplices, no plan
only the trail to the door

like the first moment in the water when
my body seems soluble

held so sure and certain
then gone in a glint of sun


Monday, December 28, 2015

New Book

Nu started writing 
(yet) another novel. 
The title makes me 





Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Quartet

The kids gave me presents that blew me away.

Nu brought home a healthy recipe book (standard school issue parent present) in November when we had no holiday wrapping paper yet. She made this to wrap her present in:

At got me this because my RBG tee was fraying:

Nu gave me an extra present (because she loves me best of all!). It's a chocolate countdown calendar! (And she teamed it with a bag of chocolate she got her dad to buy for her.) 

And Nu kept her creativity going by making the puppies a play yard:

My four kids are simply the best.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Santa-Hat Triptych

NuNu designed and made these Santa's Hats based on something a class mom brought to their Holiday party... We improvised with some Pinterest help...

And the next day, she taught her brother too.


Friday, December 18, 2015

The Beginning of the Alma Season...

Her family makes these ornaments,
and the awesome student 

(whom I've never had in class)
gave me one.

I turned into an embarrassing 
blabbering mess of gratitude.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

So Much Finals Craziness...

But as one of my students who colors for relaxation, reminds me:

I appreciate how Rosie is especially BROWN in my honor :).


Monday, November 30, 2015

Post-Thanksgiving Cry

Found this in Nu's backpack
and the last item on the list 
made me a little weepy

so I Whatsapped it 
to my poor mom
and made her cry.



Still feels unreal that At is now a 25-year-old, but we made it official with birthday biriyani, presents, and cake today. I think about all...