Monday, September 07, 2015


The day may never end
its intimacy with salty

As if I'm someone else
reading backwards--


Friday, September 04, 2015


Tiny pine seedlings
from the Traditions dinner. 
Hope to see how big they grow--
and how far my students can go.


Sunday, August 30, 2015


Dad's big birthday today
We're just too far away.
But we get
an archana and a pattu
veshti for Ganesha.

And for ourselves,
lunch (with Mimosas).
Now we''re celebrating
(Even though
the birthday boy is teetotal.)


Saturday, August 29, 2015


Happy Raksha Bandan, little ones
May you always love each other
and be each other's protection.


Monday, July 06, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015

At Yellowstone...

I had visions of puppies playing in the water.
But they were convinced the wavelets were foe.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Another Two-Puppy Night

You'd have thought that 
we were safely in the warm.
But tonight, it's time once again
to break out the big comforters
and both the puppies...


Monday, March 16, 2015

Second Chances

It was really At's second chance
(he'd forgotten his algebra packet
and I was taking it to him...)
But going down that road again
The sun beaming down on me,
It felt like mine too.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


This is not a still from A Beautiful Mind.
We painted the kids' closets 
with blackboard paint 
when we moved in
And Nu loves it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

One Stew to Carry it all and Cure Us

At's sick… he wanted...

something hot and soothing for dinner.
Behold our soup 
with every ingredient known to help colds:

Chicken, mackerel, 
ginger root, garlic, tomatoes,
cabbage, broccoli,

black pepper, turmeric, 
mint and jalapeños,
sprinkles of salt

Then a bit of limon and C's salsa 
from the summer of 2014 for heat.
It's delicious and magical.


Monday, March 09, 2015

My Monday Challenge

My Monday Challenge is basically... trying not to claw my arms off or take my shirt off in the office. The sweater I have on is miraculously comfy on my torso, but sososo itchy on my arms!

For the first time since I've had a job--practically--I'm counting down the hours before I can go home.


Monday, March 02, 2015


Wrestling an ocean of sky
the lyrics of whited valleys,
I crave the salt of the wind

the taste of words whipped
with sea air (hold the snow).
This land calls me by all names

But holds itself cold and aloof 
hushing with remembered formality
calculations, welcomes, and reunions.


Saturday, February 28, 2015

Twice as Nice

The "Railway Clock" 
my parents gave us is finally up.
(Now we can panic about school drop off
coming down AND going up the hallway…)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Seeing Clearly

And suddenly… she needed heavy glasses.
All the times signboards went unread or 
wildlife stayed invisible now makes sense :/.


Monday, February 09, 2015

Sunday, February 08, 2015


I've climbed a tree
and I'm talking down

to you.
The moon,

stony-faced, circles the empty basketball net,
is reflected in a crescent of watermelon.


Saturday, February 07, 2015


Their sister
is at retreat/
long camp

Then when
they took tests
to see if they too
were dependent

they found only
two options:
dependent OR
very dependent


Friday, February 06, 2015

On the Night it Comes

You're calm, sleeping
with the lights on
between both parents

growing ghosts
for the thrill of it

blankets in a clutch
with a firm hold
of yourself

in the old silence
in the odd silence

are layered
with prayers
in the shadows

just beyond
the frame
of side vision

darkness strays.
It reads you
and then stays

at the waist
from far away

and if it doesn't
come further,
or get too close

you could still love it


Thursday, February 05, 2015


these fingers twin
from shaping time
your hair sinuous
works its way alive

this gaze is like god's--
absolutely no concern
marking a jigsaw world
blowing a heady wind

the song rises
but the dance clings
fears and errors tell
warnings and knells


Wednesday, February 04, 2015


Rigged myself a standing desk.
(Then sat down at the computer to post about it.)


Sunday, February 01, 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015


(Not the snow in Michigan, sadly.)

Just my sentimental mama heart 
when I come across these two
holding hands and talking 
on the walk home. 


Friday, January 23, 2015

The Sense of an Ending

the sky is a staircase
the sounds of the day
going away

The dark is to
tear down stars
all of ours

squeeze their affluent
and vintage shine
wet as wine


Thursday, January 22, 2015

When making people happy

becomes almost as important 
as doing the right thing
(or doing the thing right).


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Malaysian Airlines?

At asks
when I send a picture of my empty row.
Laugh or cry?
Discuss amongst yourselves.


Wednesday, January 07, 2015

A Third Coast

On the brine of memory
the ink of veins marks spots

It is a storm of forgetting;
at each sob, she jettisons

Parents as they were, embraces
in sorrow how they now are

sweeps it all into feeling
grabbing and flailing even so


Monday, December 01, 2014

Stand Down

Reaching for amusement
but the door slams

meticulous and tight.
Spinning silently,

breath touches corners
and then as surely

is inhaled back in
brittle as silk


Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Foreshortened day,
unwelcome touch,
and unkind light.

I read the warnings,
count out their syllables. 

Then snow webs 
untidy, un-mappable, 
planting everywhere.

Racing, erasing my flesh, 
being, becoming my body.


Monday, November 17, 2014


         a smile-dusted child

swarms grandly
up hope's slope
unfurls something

         bigger than the world

mouth stretched wide
so smiles endearments
all--are kinds of kisses


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Ugh, Bill Cosby

In the wake of Trayvon Martin and Michael Browne, I found The Cosby Show on TVLND and it became a habit to watch/listen to reruns while I folded laundry or cleaned. It was somewhat escapist and a little bit inspiring to hark back to some golden age where a sitcom about a black family was the show of choice for most of middle America. Internally, I quietly disagreed with much of Clive Huxtable's parenting; separately, I vociferously disagreed with Bill Cosby's pronouncements about "Welfare Moms and Thugs," still it carried on.

Until all these reports of Bill Cosby's rape of multiple young (and teen) women.


Friday, November 14, 2014


Well, I don't know.
In small portions
this body would be fields

of stupid ideas repeated
a concussion of cowardice
in all the openings
of kind words unsaid.

But where are you?
It's time to feed ghosts at the
pressing behest of their buttons

And soon we'll be: 
ancient or innocent
epochal or whatever
and just not the same.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

In Silence

Speaking still
in triangles
the moon's half smile
last night gazes zen

past the brazen
stare of the phone
which kisses my fingers
promises to wake at four

And after that, the flare
of the soft scimitar
of your mouth
dim with sleep


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Bruised and accumulating
the lichen of thought
and the plenty
of quarrels

quarrying then policing
altering but falling
(to none)

these are the tidal drags
the smash of boredom
the open fall
of over


Sunday, November 09, 2014


At today's potluck, I couldn't say
why we didn't come last month.

I don't know what we were doing
but it was October, and I can guess.

Still don't know if we're near or far
…just trying to keep looking ahead.


Saturday, November 08, 2014

A New Day

It's early in the leaden morning: 
an unknown red truck 
in the driveway.


(It's At's friend… 
who spent the night 
and doesn't need a ride anymore.)


Friday, November 07, 2014

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Tuesday, November 04, 2014


It was tense at work and dull outside,
but seeing these two get off the bus
was all smiles, songs, and blessings...


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

And on the Fifth Day...

A went to Chicago for a conference FOUR days ago.

It's a testament to the effed-up-ness of his work schedule that the kids finally got around to wondering where he was this morning.


It's a testament to how technology can keep us connected despite distance--they've been texting, emailing, and talking all along.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014


is a kaleidoscope calling out
--although it is hard to hear
I answer: Yes? Hello?
as though speaking into
an old-fashioned telephone

mimics birds bedding,
my arms punctured now
by pain, pine-tree needles.
In the end, the day leaves
unnoticed and uncomposed


Monday, October 27, 2014

Eerily, just this morning a colleague told me that he'd sent out a job application to the U of Wyoming at Laramie, and then we had the near-obligatory talk about Matthew Shepard.

An hour after, I find in this weekend's edition of The Guardian--a truther-style story about details that might have been suppressed in the race to anoint Shepard as a poster-boy for anti-hate legislation.

We seem to prefer heroes on a template, but details are not the enemy.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Nostalgia and Kindness

It's true that every time I hear this song, it brings a lump to my throat.

Nu says, "That's like you, Mama. You left your mom and Dad too."

At silently thumps me on my shoulder. (Somewhat smirkily, the way he seems to do everything these days, but still kindly.)

Broods: Mother and Father


Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Quiet Thanksgiving

Right now
the afternoon brightens
the dogs sleep
beside me

the last of the corn
and the best acorn squash
from the garden are
roasting from light to gold

The kids sleep one room away
done with every weekend activity
A stumbled home from a night shift
and also sleeps

I? I have something completely
unrelated to work to read
while the week's laundry
churns itself clean and dry

Sounds so ordinary
but this hasn't happened
in years. It is a returning
peace, to be thankful.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Backstory...

So Nu has a 'sister' at school.

"Angel and I do every thing together. We're really, really sisters."

I get it. Sometimes having a loving big brother is not really your thing, and you need someone  more like the giggly tweens populating the shows your parents decided to ration.

"We're really, really, REALLY sisters."

I guess?

"You see--before dad met you, he and Angel's mom had Angel."

It takes a while to convince her that I'm really uncomfortable with this scenario...

"That's ok, I don't think Angel would mind if we switch it up and make it about you and her dad."


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Less is more?

At loses nine (nine!!) teeth at one go.
(Because his orthodontist says so.)

I guess we're not in Michigan anymore

Pic: A very different terrain from our usual hikes. It was uphill all the way (and somehow both ways) at the South Mountain trails today.  M...