Thursday, October 12, 2017

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner


She didn't know her brother would be 
at the restaurant for her birthday dinner.

She walked in and remembers thinking:
why does this guy look so much like my nana
and why is he sitting all by himself

And then she started squealing 
and didn't stop hugging him



Jaxon Oakley said...

Once in my life I have got the same surprise when I was returning from abroad and it was really exciting. There were every single member of my family to greet me on airport.

Ruth Betton said...

It's such an amazing moment of a family reunion! I wish such things could be recorded for and you could re-watch them eternally!

"bad idea, right?"

More meetings today, including two terribly fraught ones... including one in the boardroom where 99% of the portraits on the wall are of old...